About Elanamj
Title: Elana Selvig is a Digital Storyteller, Print Artist, Ministry Development Leader, and Spanish Tutor.
Intro: Elanamj is a creative collective that Elana has curated to help you tell your stories in various mediums. This is discovered through brainstorming, article writing, design creation, social media optimization, and continued conversation about your “why.” By working with Elanamj, we hope you discover passion and purpose through your writing story. We are your cheerleader, advocate, and confidant to produce innovative solutions to your communication needs. Start telling your story today.
History: Elanamj was formed from growing passions in Elana’s life - storytelling, helping people, and mixed media communication/creation. With a lifelong love of the arts, a wild imagination, and pursuant curiosity, Elana gravitated toward digital enterprises for creative expression.